Call for papers – Demystifying Caribbean Civil Society

‘Civil society’ emerged as a buzz phrase during the 1990s and has since been normalised in many policy spheres. However, Caribbean incarnations of civil society have been woefully under-documented and under-assessed. This special issue attempts to provide a forum that showcases critical treatments of civil society and civil society organisations in their many forms in the Eastern Caribbean. This issue seeks to interrogate what civil society means in the context of the region while assessing the contributions of civil society organisations to regional development in its many facets. The Special Issue attempts to collect pieces that discuss the changing nature of civil society and of civic activism in the region and welcomes philosophical and conceptual treatments of civil society; appraisals of the historical evolution of Caribbean civic organisations and organisational forms, and contemporary appraisals of civil society. Articles addressing any of the following areas would be viewed as respondent to this call:

  • Social movements, protest and civil society;
  • Assessment of the historical evolution of civic activism; forms of social organisation or activism that are unique to the Caribbean and/or individual countries within the region;
  • Gender dynamics within civil society organisations or social movements;
  • Appraisals of the contributions to politics, social or cultural life, regionalism and/or development (broadly conceived) of organisations that can be considered civil society organisations (e.g. non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, professional associations, workers’ organisations, private sector/industry representative bodies, religious and/or spiritual organisations, youth groups or sporting bodies)
  • Technological change and civil society and civic activism
  • The influence of external forces or actors on civil society and civil society organisations in the region.

The suggestions listed above are not exhaustive. As such, authors are encouraged to submit interesting and analytically sound pieces that are linked to the focus of the Special Issue on civil society and civil society organisations in the Eastern Caribbean.


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 11 December 2018 (250 words, 4 keywords)

Abstracts and articles are to be submitted to Ms. Jacqueline Thompson at:
For additional information on the formatting of submissions, please see: