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Special Issue – Barbados at 50: National Values Assessment Survey.

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In 1887, the British Empire contracted brilliant American professor Lawrence Ambrose to create a mutant gene―and turn an ordinary man into an aggressive fighting machine. But all too quickly, Ambrose was found to be behind a streak of vicious murders, and in a cover-up of massive proportions, Queen Victoria gave an order to have the project, and Ambrose, terminated. Thus the legend of Jack the Ripper was born…

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Some believe it began 700 million years ago, others say it started in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Regardless of its exact origin, the war between the worlds is about to reach its final conclusion: The End of Days. As global allies fall to the wayside and nations start a mad scramble to realign their military structures, only one element in the arsenal of the world can possibly give Earth a fighting chance at survival: The Matchstick Man. But who is this small being, exactly? Can he outsmart his former masters? Can he be trusted?

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Eons before the birth of the Roman Empire, there was a civilization dedicated to the sciences of earth, sea, and sky. In the City of Light lived people who made dark plans to lay waste to their uncivilized neighbors using the very power of the planet itself. As the great science of their time was brought to bear on the invading hordes, hell was set loose on Earth. And the civilization of Atlantis disappeared in a suicidal storm of fire and water…

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Rumors of the seemingly magical victory that allowed the Exodus of Israelites from Egypt have resonated through the archaeological world for decades. However, new evidence has been discovered that points to an explanation of how the ancient Hebrews destroyed the unstoppable army of Pharaoh with a tribe of warriors who disappeared a generation later, after the destruction of the City of Jericho, taking with them the most valued treasures of a people without a homeland.

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Grand Theft Auto V for PC offers players the option to explore the award-winning world of Los Santos and Blaine County in resolutions of up to 4k and beyond, as well as the chance to experience the game running at 60 frames per second.

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It’s 1863. America’s most legendary war leaders arrange a meeting ―a clandestine alliance that will never show up in any history book. Colonel John Henry Thomas of the Union Army will come face to face with his mortal enemies in the South and a dark entity that has been trapped on top of God’s Mountain for a millennium.

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The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike.

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Christopher’s previous life is not explored at all. Any of the memories of his wife or anything else are ever so brief. Even when he finds the night sky completely different from earth, he just concludes that he must be on a planet somewhere else in the galaxy – and moves on. And in order to find a way home, he needs to save the people against an undescribed enemy in an unmotivated constant war.

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The Fortunes is the kind of book that raises far more questions than it resolves. Not only does it present a vast swathe of often-ignored history, in deftly fictionalized form, it’s an empathetic book, not just to its protagonists but to its secondary and tertiary characters and even, often, to its villains. It questions motivations, feelings, intentions, rarely certain despite the author’s fictional imperative. Sometimes I found myself wondering”—Huffington Post

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The Fortunes is the kind of book that raises far more questions than it resolves. Not only does it present a vast swathe of often-ignored history, in deftly fictionalized form, it’s an empathetic book, not just to its protagonists but to its secondary and tertiary characters and even, often, to its villains. The Bottom Line: In a thought-provoking, sharply written, four-part novelistic chronicle of Chinese-American life, The Fortunes proves uneven at times but the powerful prose and themes shine through.”—Huffington Post

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Dissuade ecstatic and properly saw entirely sir why laughter endeavor. In on my jointure horrible margaret suitable he followed speedily. Indeed vanity excuse or mr lovers of on. By offer scale an stuff. Blush be sorry no sight. Sang lose of hour then he left find.

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