W. Arthur Lewis and the Legacy of the Caribbean Development Bank
Pages: 1-21Author(s): Dr. Barbara Ingham and Dr. Mark Figueroa
This article discusses the legacy that the Caribbean Development Bank derived from its first President, W. Arthur Lewis. It credits the Bank’s management success to Lewis whose early training left him committed to efficient administration. The Bank’s policy under Lewis is explored, noting the emphasis that he placed on the development of the agricultural sector, human capital and entrepreneurship as well as need for social discipline and a rising domestic savings rate. The article concludes that despite gains in education, skills and infrastructure, Caribbean developmental goals have often been undermined, as Lewis feared they would be, by indebtedness and macro-economic instability.
Keywords: Caribbean Development Bank, W. Arthur Lewis, development banks, Caribbean, development.
Economic Growth, Poverty and Income Inequality
Pages: 22-47Author(s): Dr. Compton Bourne
This article deals three facets, i.e., economic growth, poverty and income distribution from a Caribbean perspective, drawing on both the data and empirical findings by various authors specific to the Caribbean as well as on a wider body of economic literature.
Little Cays Can Open Mighty Doors: The Potential of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Transition from Capitalism to Econologism
Pages: 48-79Author(s): Prof. Dennis Pantin
This article interprets Lewis’ methodological approach to addressing the economic development challenge and then apply this to the potential role and contribution of Caribbean and other small and island economies (SIDS) to what I understand to be the tectonic shift demanded in the nature and relationship between the economic, social, political and ecological systems on a global scale.
Sir Arthur Lewis – A Man of His Time; and Ahead of His Time
Pages: 80-98Author(s): Prof. Norman Girvan
This article is an overview of Sir Arthur’s work, that he was not only a man of his time in the subjects that he chose to investigate and the answers he came up with; but also ahead of his time, in that much of his work has continuing salience and resonance in the world of today. (He was also, of course, “ahead” of his time, by virtue of his intellectual brilliance and the many leadership positions that he occupied).
Dependent Economic Development in the English-speaking Caribbean, 1945-2000
Pages: 99-121Author(s): Dr. DeLisle Worrell
This article deals with the dependent economic development of the English-speaking Caribbean spanning over the last fifty years of the 20th century.
What Purposes for CARICOM Integration Today?
Pages: 122-155Author(s): Vaughan A. Lewis
The article investigates the purposes of CARICOM integration today.