- July 2024
In this issue: Barry Chevannes; Curwen Best; Carl E. James; Gabrielle Jamela Hosien; Carla Ali; Meagan A. Sylvester and Natalie Dietrich Jones
This article presents the major findings of surveys commissioned by UNICEF in 2021 and 2022 in specific Caribbean countries. The surveys were intended to document the level of vaccine hesitancy in these countries (comparatively) and to inform UNICEF and its partners in the region of the most effective strategies to achieve vaccination compliance for children and adults. Although the study primarily targeted COVID-19 vaccination, there was an effort to understand if the COVID-19 experience impacted on attitudes towards vaccination regimens that UNICEF considers central to child health and broader public health in the Caribbean. In this regard, the study is useful in demonstrating the conditions under which people are more or less likely to take any vaccination and the most effective strategies to improve updates either within or outside a pandemic.
Pages: 1-112Author(s): Peter W. Wickham; Lisa McClean-Trotman & Alana Shury
Special Issue: This survey was undertaken in August 2022 by CADRES on behalf of the UNICEF Office for the Eastern Caribbean Area (UNICEF ECA) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Keywords: vaccinations, COVID-19, vaccine hesitancy, attitudes, vaccine uptake