Volume 34 No. 2

Prof. Errol Miller, Prof. Winston King, Prof. Stafford Griffith, Dr. Veronica Marks & Dr. Joel Warrican

Issue Summary

The thematic focus in this issue includes: universal secondary education, philosophies of education, Commonwealth Caribbean, secondary education, curriculum, curriculum development, educational change, Caribbean Examinations Council, educational, transformation, education revolution, policy, philosophy, implementation model, grouping, quality, interventions, Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education. literacy development & teacher development

In this issue

Universal Secondary Education and Society in the Commonwealth Caribbean

Pages:  3-24Author(s):  Prof. Errol Miller

This paper presents three general philosophical perspectives of secondary education and explores the specific philosophies that influence secondary education in the Caribbean.  The author traces the historical development of secondary education in the region and brings us to the introduction and expansion of universal secondary education.  He argues for a unifying philosophical perspective on secondary education for the Commonwealth Caribbean that would contribute to the competitiveness of the region in the global economy.  Finally, the author offers suggestions as to how universal secondary education could be implemented on a regional level.

Keywords:  universal secondary education, philosophies of education, Commonwealth Caribbean

Universal Secondary Education in the OECS: Some Views on the Curriculum

Pages:  25-53Author(s):  Prof. Winston King

Various international initiatives in education, followed by the development of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Reform Strategy (1991) led to initiatives in Universal Secondary Education (USE) in the countries of the sub-region.

As expected, approaches have differed from country to country.  However, the common purposes have been to provide access, modified curriculum and trained teachers for the education of all children at secondary education level.

Several obstacles have been identified, for example improper planning and ineffective implementation in all aspects, with the possible exception of access.

There needs, therefore to be more monitoring, evaluation and support of various types to make the reform effective and sustainable. Every effort must be made to sustain the reform for the benefit of all children in the sub-region.

Keywords:  universal education, secondary education, curriculum, curriculum development, educational change.

The Caribbean Examinations Council: Leading and Facilitating Transformation in Secondary Education

Pages:  54-73Author(s):  Prof. Stafford Griffith

The article discusses ways in which the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) contributed to the transformation of the Caribbean secondary education system.  The contribution of the CXC to the efforts made in the region to move towards universal secondary education is highlighted.  The article notes the ways in which the Council helped to assure both the relevance and the quality of secondary education in the region even as it helped to broaden access.  It also discusses the broadening of opportunities by the Council for secondary school graduates to pursue tertiary education.

Keywords:  Caribbean Examinations Council; educational; transformation; universal secondary education.

Literacy Development and the Role of the Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education

Pages:  93-112Author(s):  Dr. Joel Warrican

This article discusses the Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education (JBTE) as an agency that is ideally positioned to implement and support regional educational initiatives.  It presents the promotion of literacy development among adolescents as an example of what is possible.  With the advancement of universal secondary education, the levels of competency in literacy among secondary school students are more varied and teachers are faced with the challenge of providing effective instruction for all students.  This article discusses how the JBTE can contribute to the development and support of all secondary teachers as they seek to improve the literacy skills of their charges and ensure that they benefit fully from the opportunity to pursue secondary education.

Keywords:  Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher Education; literacy development; teacher development; universal secondary education.

More Journals

In this issue: Fareena M. Alladin, Andrew Spencer, Daniele Bobb, Mia Jules, Donna-Maria Maynard, S. Joel Warrican, Lorna Down, Sandra Robinson, Verna Knight, Coreen Leacock, Michel-Ange Pantal, Peterson Abnis I Faure, Jean-Gregory Jerome, Jean-Claude Mugunga, Markus Von Wartburg, Matthew Peckarsky, Marc Van Audenrode & Pierre-Yves Cremieux
In this issue: Christine Barrow, Jakub Kakietek, M. Anne St. John, Kemi Mascoll, Ira Waterman, Shawna Crichlow, Caroline F. Allen, Jonathan Lashley, Jonathan Yearwood, Marilyn Waring, Robert Carr, Anit Mukherjee and Meena Shivdas
In this issue: Ronald M. Gordon, Rudolph Browne, Winston Moore, Shernel Thompson & Carl E. James
In this issue: Joseann Knight, Don Marshall, Winston Moore, Justin Carter, Latoya Lazarus, Diane M. Hoffman & William W. Lawrence